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Top Cited Articles in Biomedical Optics Express

As a pioneer in multimodal photoacoustic and OCT imaging, the Leitgeb/Drexler Group contributes 2 of the top 10 papers to Biomedical Optics Express in the category Multimodal and Other Imaging Techniques for this journal's 10th anniversary.

n 2011, the Leitgeb/Drexler group demonstrated the first ever combined dual modality photoacoustic-OCT system (Top 1 in citation). Four years later, the group successfully applied the system in dermatology by imaging a variety of skin diseases (Top 7 in citation). Currently, the Leitgeb/Drexler group focuses on plasmonic nanoparticles' application in challenging multimodal photoacoustic-OCT systems (project SWIMMOT) as well as on innovative acoustic detection methods and laser development for multimodal photoacoustic-OCT systems (project REAP).