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Our article was selected for the cover page of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Imaging

The article by Abigail J. Deloria and Richard Haindl et al on OCT imaging of organoids has been selected to be on the cover page of the current issue…

Event: Going viral: How a pandemic challenges society at large

An international forum on the challenges of the pandemic and its impact on our society - from pandemics in history to social, societal, political and…

DOC Fellowship for Maria Vasileiadi

Maria Vasileiadi has been awarded The DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences for her work on “Individualized presurgical language mapping…

Top Cited Articles in Biomedical Optics Express

As a pioneer in multimodal photoacoustic and OCT imaging, the Leitgeb/Drexler Group contributes 2 of the top 10 papers to Biomedical Optics Express in…

Revealing drug tolerant persister cells in cancer using contrast enhanced optical coherence and photoacoustic tomography

The REAP consortium (including CMPBME) received EU grant to reveal drug tolerant persister cells in breast cancer both in vitro and in vivo in a mouse…

Karen Minassian is guest editor of the SI “Targeting Sensory and Motor Integration for Recovery of Movement After CNS Injury” in Frontiers of Neuroscience / Section Neuroprosthetics

Motor commands integrate with sensory feedback to enable purposeful movement. CNS injury or disease that impairs movement often interrupts or alters…

Sepideh Hatamikia has been selected for the NOE - Young Researchers Calendar 2021

This calendar by ecoplus features 12 great young talents (selected based on their research performance, one per institute/university) working at the…

Spinal Cord Injury and Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation

Recent research of epidural and transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation has demonstrated unprecedented improvements in motor function…