3D printed phantoms for dosimetry, quality assurance and precision medicine
Anthropomorphic thorax phantom

In this project we develop anthropomorphic thorax phantoms simulating patient morphology with human-like heterogenous skeletal radiation attenuation. Computed tomography is used together with modified PolyJetTM 3D printing technology for this purpose. The phantom opens new possibilities for imaging- and radiation- based patient care in precision medicine.
Skin phantom for multimodal imaging diagnostics

Here a skin phantom is being developed to facilitate a multimodal imaging diagnostics of skin pathologies. The challenge that this project addresses is the combination of very small (µm) and large (mm) blood vessels, which are embedded in different layers to mimic skin vasculature. Additionally, the complex structure of the blood vessels shall also be suitable to be filled with liquids. These challenges cannot be addressed by a single 3D-printing technology but rather by proper combination of different ones. This project has been awarded the Focus XL-Grant from the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering.