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New Article in Nature Medicine

Karen Minassian is co-author of the article “Activity-dependent spinal cord neuromodulation rapidly restores trunk and leg motor functions after…

Heinz Schima Chairman of the IFAO

Heinz Schima has been elected as Chairman of the International Federation for Artificial Organs (IFAO) for the years 2022-2023.

Sepideh Hatamikia has been awarded an assistant professor position at Danube Private University

Dr. Sepideh Hatamikia has been awarded an assistant professor position at Danube Private University (DPU), Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. A new…

Michael Pircher elected Fellow of "Optica"

Michael Pircher has been honoured for his outstanding contributions in the field of ocular imaging and for the development of advanced optical…

New Editor

Mengyang Liu is a topic editor for the journal Frontiers in Photonics.

Gunpreet Oberoi wins 2. Prize for PhD-Thesis from OEGBMT

The OEGBMT (Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering) and TU Graz awarded Dr. Gunpreet Oberoi the 2nd Prize for Best Dissertation in the Field of…

Christoph Gross wins the ESAO-2021 Golden PhD-Thesis Award

The European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) honored Christoph Gross for his Doctoral Thesis „Non-invasive diagnostic tools to optimize therapy…

Thomas Schlöglhofer wins the ISHLT Professional Community Award

The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) honored Thomas Schlöglhofer during the 41st Annual ISHLT Meeting & Scientific…

Our new article in APL Photonics

Shiyu Deng and Richard Haindl et al from the Leitgeb/Drexler Group have got their newest work on optical coherence photoacoustic microscopy "An…

Our article was selected for the cover page of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Imaging

The article by Abigail J. Deloria and Richard Haindl et al on OCT imaging of organoids has been selected to be on the cover page of the current issue…