Förderung der biomedizinischen optischen Bildgebung für einen grundlegenden Wandel in der medizinischen Diagnostik sowie in der biologischen und medizinischen Grundlagenforschung

Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, entwickelt unser Labor modernste optische Technologien durch die Kombination der Stärken verschiedener bildgebender Verfahren wie optische Kohärenztomographie (OCT), Photoakustik, Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, Raman-Spektroskopie und nichtlineare optische Mikroskopie. Dies wird z.B. durch fortschrittliche Laserentwicklung, Endoskop- und Laparoskop-Designs sowie integrierte photonische Schaltungen unterstützt. Ein Hauptziel ist die Übertragung der Technologien in die Kliniken und in die präklinische Forschung, indem die Bildgebung über alle Größenordnungen von der subzellulären bis zur Organebene angesprochen wird.
Rainer Leitgeb
T +43 (0)1 40400-17140
Wolfgang Drexler
T +43 (0)1 40400-19860
Marco Andreana
Richard Haindl
Qian Li
Mengyang Liu
Angelika Unterhuber
- Mariana Almeida
- Aneesh Alex
- Natascha Bayer
- Cedric Blatter
- Marco Bonesi
- Daniela Bovenkamp
- Zhe Chen
- Severine Coquoz
- Bruna Cotrufo
- Markus Demel
- Mikael Erkkilä
- Mona Fakher
- Daniel Fechtig
- Lorenzo Ferrara
- Karine Frily
- Anna Gaugutz
- Stefan Georgiev
- Maria Gershteyn
- Branislav Grajciar
- Anton Grebenyuk
- Boris Hermann
- Bernd Hofer
- Iona Ivascu (Gastforscherin)
- Mathilde Juin
- Laura Julien
- Tschackad Kamali-Dolatabadi
- Josef Kaufmann
- Milana Kendrisic
- Alice Kern
- Christoph Kolbitsch
- Abhiskek Kumar
- Katharina Ludwig
- Sam Mathew
- Saranya Nair
- Michael Niederleithner
- Karin Paschon
- Lorenzo Patane
- Boris Povazay
- Stefan Preisser
- Jeremias Püls
- Nastassia Pricoupenko
- Elisabet Rank
- David Reichert
- Wolfgang Rohringer
- Giulia Rotunno
- Matthias A. Salas
- Michelle G. Sandrian
- Julian Schmid
- Tilman Schmoll
- Alexander Sing
- Amardeep Singh
- Michael Unterluggauer
- Aart Verhoef
- Lara Wurster
- Yi Yuan (Gastprofessor)
- Behrooz Zabihian
Geförderte laufende Projekte der Gruppe
- Hybrid endoscope for esophageal in vivo histology and histochemistry ESOHISTO (EIC Pathfinder 2024)
- DOCT (2022-2024) EUROSTARS
- REAP (2021-2024) EU-H2020-ICT
- Phast (2020-2024) EU-H2020 - MSCA-ITN
- SWIMMOT (2020-2024) EU-H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020
- PROSCOPE (2019-2023) EU-H2020-ICT
- Handheld OCT (2020-2024) EU-H2020-ICT
- SkinOptima (2020-2023) EU-H2020-MSCA-IF-2019-Individual Fellowships
- Wavefront PAT/OCT (2019-2022) FWF SFB
- ESOTRAC (2017-2020) EU-H2020-ICT-29-2016-Photonics KET 2016
- MultiFib, (2019-2022) ERA-Net
- MIB (2016-2021) EU-H2020 - PHC-2015
- FBI (2016-2020) EU-H2020 - MSCA-ITN-2016
- MOON (2016-2021) EU-H2020 - ICT-2016-1
- Tomography across the scales (2018-2026) SFB - FWF
- Christian Doppler Laboratory for Innovative Optical Imaging and its Translation to Medicine (2016-2021)
- Digital Wavefront Sensing, (2017-2020) FWF
- Ultra-fast Scalable OCT (2018-2020) NIH (R21)
- OCT Chip (2015-2020) EU-H2020 - ICT-2015
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Komplette Liste der Publikationen Drexler
Komplette Liste der Publikationen Leitgeb
- Kvåle Løvmo, M., Deng, S., Moser, S. et al. Ultrasound-induced reorientation for multi-angle optical coherence tomography. Nat Commun 15, 2391 (2024).
- B. E. Bouma, J. F. de Boer, D. Huang, I.-K. Jang, T. Yonetsu, C. L. Leggett, R. Leitgeb, D. D. Sampson, M. Suter, B. J. Vakoc, M. Villiger, and M. Wojtkowski, "Optical coherence tomography," Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2, 79 (2022).
- Rank, E.A., Sentosa, R., Harper, D.J. et al. "Toward optical coherence tomography on a chip: in vivo three-dimensional human retinal imaging using photonic integrated circuit-based arrayed waveguide gratings", Light Sci Appl 10, 6 (2021).
- S. Deng, R. Haindl, E. Zhang, P. Beard, E. Scheuringer, C. Sturtzel, Q. Li, A. J. Deloria, H. Sattmann, R. A. Leitgeb, Y. Yuan, L. Schmetterer, M. Pramanik, M. Distel, W. Drexler, and M. Liu, "An optical coherence photoacoustic microscopy system using a fiber optic sensor," APL Photonics 6, 096103 (2021).
- D. Reichert, M. T. Erkkilae, J. Gesperger, L. I. Wadiura, A. Lang, T. Roetzer, A. Woehrer, M. Andreana, A. Unterhuber, M. Wilzbach, C. Hauger, W. Drexler, B. Kiesel, G. Widhalm, and R. A. Leitgeb, "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Spectroscopic Co-Validation for Protoporphyrin IX-Guided Tumor Visualization in Neurosurgery," Frontiers in Oncology 11(2021)
- R. Haindl, et al., 2020. “Functional optical coherence tomography and photoacoustic microscopy imaging for zebrafish larvae,” Biomedical Optics Express, 11(4), 2137-2151.
- M. Liu, et al., 2019. “Optical coherence tomography angiography and photoacoustic imaging in dermatology,” Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 18(5), 945-962.
- M. Andreana, R. Sentosa, M.T. Erkkilä, W. Drexler, and A. Unterhuber, 2019, “Depth resolved label-free multimodal optical imaging platform to study morpho-molecular composition of tissue”, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 18, 997-1008.
- M. Andreana, T. Le, W. Drexler, and A. Unterhuber, 2019. “Ultrashort pulse Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal fiber delivery for nonlinear optical imaging”, Opt. Lett. 44 (7) 1588-1591.
- L. M. Wurster, R. N. Shah, F. Placzek, S. Kretschmer, M. Niederleithner, L. Ginner, J. Ensher, M. P. Minneman, E. E. Hoover, H. Zappe, W. Drexler, R. A. Leitgeb, and Ç. Ataman, 2019. "Endoscopic optical coherence tomography angiography using a forward imaging piezo scanner probe," Journal of Biophotonics 12, e201800382.
- Z. Chen, et al., 2017. “Non-invasive multimodal optical coherence and photoacoustic tomography for human skin imaging,” Scientific Reports, 7, 17975.
- L. Ginner, A. Kumar, D. Fechtig, L. M. Wurster, M. Salas, M. Pircher, and R. A. Leitgeb, 2017. "Noniterative digital aberration correction for cellular resolution retinal optical coherence tomography in vivo," Optica 4, 924-931.
- W. Drexler, M. Liu, A. Kumar, T. Kamali, A. Unterhuber, and R. A. Leitgeb, 2014, "Optical coherence tomography today: speed, contrast, and multimodality," Journal of Biomedical Optics 19, 071412-071412.
- Milana Kendrisic "Cost-Effective Swept-Source Optical Biometry and Optical Coherence Tomography" (2024)
- David Reichert "Fluorescence lifetime imaging for protoporphyrin IX-guided tumor visualization in neurosurgery" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2021)
- Fabian Placzek, "Multimodal, foward-imaging endoscopy for early-stage tumor assessment" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2021)
- Mikael Erkkilä "Multimodal surgical microscope for real time neurosurgical guidance" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2021)
- Daniela Bovenkamp "Multimodal platform for qualitative and quantitative morphological and molecular imaging" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2021)
- Zhe Chen, "Multi-modal optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCT angiography and photoacoustic tomography for clinical in vivo three-dimensional cutaneous morphology and vasculature imaging" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2020)
- Laurin Ginner, "Advanced techniques for functional parallel OCT" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2019)
- Lara Marie Wurster, "Advanced techniques for endoscopic optical coherence tomography" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2019)
- Matthias A. Salas "Cellular resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics OCT" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2018)
- Behrooz Zabihian, “Imaging human cutaneous morphology and microcirculation using photoacoustic / optical coherence tomography: imaging setup and application” (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2017).
- Tschackad Kamali-Dolatabadi, “Spatially resolved molecular sensitive imaging with optical coherence tomography utilizing coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering“ (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2016)
- Mengyang Liu, “Multimodal photoacoustic and optical coherence tomography imaging,” (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2015)
- Abhishek Kumar, "Digital adaptive optics for achieving space-invariant lateral resolution in optical coherence tomography" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2015)
- Daniel Josef Fechtig, "Development and improvement of parallel Optical Coherence Tomography modalities for biomedical imaging" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2015)
- Cédric Steve Blatter, "Functional swept source optical coherence tomography" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2013)
- Amardeep Sönke Georg Singh, "Functional retinal optical coherence tomography advancing data analysis and exploring holographic imaging concepts" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2012)
- Tilman Schmoll, "Optical Coherence Tomography of Tissue Physiology" (PhD, Medical University of Vienna, 2010)