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Human Motor Control and Neuromodulation group

Understanding neural control of movement and developing new therapeutic approaches

Our research focuses on deepening our current understanding of how movement is neurally controlled by the human spinal cord. At the basic science level, we are particularly interested in characterizing movement generators, known as locomotor circuits, in the human spinal cord - neuronal networks that have so far only been clearly identified in animals.

We use this knowledge to develop new rehabilitation strategies for people with movement disorders caused by diseases or injuries of the central nervous system (CNS). Our focus is on neuromodulatory approaches - methods that enhance the (residual) function of the CNS.

For our scientific and clinical work, we combine expertise from different disciplines - from neurotechnology and neuroanatomy to electrophysiology and computational neuroscience and beyond. We offer interested students from different disciplines the opportunity to participate in an ever-growing, dynamic and clinically relevant research field through internships and theses.

Our motivation: To improve motor function in people with CNS disorders or injuries and improve their quality of life.

Our contributions:

In the field of neuroscience:

  • Neuroanatomical studies of receptor expression and specific neuronal cell types in the human spinal cord
  • Characterization of spinal reflexes
  • Characterization of locomotor circuits in the human spinal cord
  • Establishment of a scientific framework of electrical spinal cord stimulation
  • Studies of the interaction between electrical neuromodulation and spinal cord circuits

Development of new methods

  • Pioneers in the development of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation
  • Pioneers in studies of epidural spinal cord stimulation in individuals with spinal cord injury

In clinical trials:

  • Testing spinal cord stimulation in clinical trials with national and international partners in people with intact CNS and in people with movement disorders resulting from CNS injury and disease.
  • First demonstration of the efficacy of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation for spasticity control and enhancing residual motor function in people with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis.

Principal Investigators

Ursula Hofstötter

P +43 (0)1 40400-19720

Karen Minassian

P +43 (0)1 40400-19720

  • Anela Adilovic
  • Aymeric Bayart
  • Natalie Fehringer
  • Selma Jakupovic
  • Alexander Miller-Michlits
  • Ivan Perret
  • The catecholaminergic system of the human spinal cord and its alterations after spinal cord injury (2021)
    FWF (Austrian Science Fund)
  • Carry-over Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation for Spasticity in Spinal Cord Injury: Underlying Mechanisms (2018)
    FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Joint Project with SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • Nicht-invasive Rückenmarkstimulation zur Spastiklinderung und Mobilitätsförderung bei Multipler Sklerose: Pilotstudie (2017)
    OeGNR (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation)
  • Intelligente Transkutane Rückenmarkstimulation (2017)
    Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (Deutschland)

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