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Frass-Kriegl Group

Multiphysics Simulation and Advanced Signal Processing

Our group pursues the goal of improving MR imaging and spectroscopy through customized, intelligent hardware systems.

In particular, the sensitivity, shortening the duration of examinations and the well-being and safety of patients are our focus.

We explore new concepts for radiofrequency coils as well as technical solutions for the wireless transmission of coil signals. We are testing the usability and safety of additional sensors and devices in MR scanners and, in this context, also work with numerical simulations. In addition, we are developing phantoms for special MR applications, such as a torso motion phantom.
If you would like to join our team, please contact us.

Our team is constantly searching for new members. Contact Roberta Frass-Kriegl if you are interested!

Research Area

Magnetic Resonance

Principal Investigator

Roberta Frass-Kriegl

P +43 (0)1 40400-64580


Veronika Cap
Jean-Lynce Gnanago
Bastian Rapp
Andreas Reich-Rohrwig

  • Lena Nohava
  • Alexander Riegler
  • Fabio Schartmüller
  • Nikola Szucsich
  • Ernesto Gomez Tamm
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Skin with Optimized RF Coils (SKIN-COILS) (2024 - laufend)
    FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Joint Projects with ANR (France)
  • MRI with OPTIcal wireless transMission in the AnaLog Regime (OPTIMAL) (2023 - laufend)
    FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Stand-Alone-Project
  • T4MR - Technology for Mimicking and Managing Motion in Magnetic Resonance (2022 - 2024)
    Medical University of Vienna, CMPBME Focus Grant
  • Development of a wireless optical link for the transmission of MR signals (2018 - 2019)
    OeAD (Agency for Education and Internationalisation), Scientific & Technological Cooperation

Selected peer-reviewed publications