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Baumann & Merkle Group

We develop optical technology for imaging the eye and brain

Our research is focused on the development of optical imaging technology and its application for biomedical imaging. Our current research is driven by the need for better and more reliable methods for medical diagnostics as well as by the desire to understand basic biological and medical research questions. Our recent research projects include the development of optical imaging – in particular optical coherence tomography (OCT), functional and multi-contrast OCT imaging, multi-modal optical imaging and microscopy, and applied preclinical imaging in longitudinal studies of ophthalmic and neurological disease models.

Research Area


Principal Investigator

Bernhard Baumann

Conrad Merkle

P +43 (0)1 40400-39345

  • Marco Augustin
  • Prajakta Belekar
  • Pablo Eugui
  • Stanislava Fialová
  • Johanna Gesperger
  • Danielle J. Harper
  • Antonia Lichtenegger
  • Konrad Leskovar
  • Martina Muck
  • Zoe Neuburger
  • Carlos Reyes
  • Maryam Salehi Ravesh
  • Johannes Schirmer
  • Simon Strehn
  • Matthias Wechdorn


Selected peer-reviewed publications

Complete List of Publications

PhD theses

  • Gesperger, Johanna, Optical imaging and digital pathology for brain disorders, PhD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2021.
  • Eugui, Pablo, Advanced methods for tissue scattering characterization with optical coherence tomography, PhD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2020.
  • Harper, Danielle J., Depth-resolved multi-contrast retinal imaging with high axial resolution, PhD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2020.
  • Lichtenegger, Antonia, Multimodal visible light optical coherence microscopy for ex vivo brain imaging, PhD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2020.
  • Augustin, Marco, Multi-Functional Optical Coherence Tomography for Preclinical Retinal Imaging, PhD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2018.
  • Fialová, Stanislava, High resolution polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography for ocular imaging in small animals, PhD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2016.

Master and diploma theses

  • Neuburger, Zoe, Diagnostic validity of visible light optical coherence microscopy data compared to histological data taken from Alzheimer’s disease mouse brain tissue, MD thesis (co-supervised by Antonia Lichtenegger and Bernhard Baumann), Medical University of Vienna, 2019.
  • Wechdorn, Matthias, In vivo Imaging von retinalen Neovaskularisationen im Mausauge, MD thesis (co-supervised by Marco Augustin and Bernhard Baumann), Medical University of Vienna, 2019.
  • Strehn, Simon, Mehrschichtige Streuphantome für die optische Kohärenztomographie, MSc thesis (co-supervised by Martin Gröschl and Bernhard Baumann), TU Vienna, 2017.
  • Schirmer, Johannes, Quantitative Messung der Melaninpigmentierung in Rattenaugen, MD thesis, Medical University of Vienna, 2016.