Our group is devoted to applied research in diagnostic radiology physics, image processing, surgical navigation, and imaging dosimetry. The main emphasis on digital imaging modalities (DR and CR), CT, and ultrasound.
Our mission is to help optimizing patient care through technical innovation, research and education of medical students, radiographers (students and practicing), students of Physics and BME mostly on PhD level, and post graduates. We also engage in continuing education of medical doctors. We assist radiologists, radiographers, and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health in the optimization of doses applied to patients in diagnostic and interventional procedures. We advise assist clinical colleagues in clinical medical physics issues.
We disseminate our expertise within the curricula of the Medical University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology and cooperating Universities of Applied Sciences, and the IAEA. Our group offers several courses on applied medical image processing, imaging physics, and graduate courses. These include the methodical seminar "Applied Medical Imaging, Image Processing, and Visualization" for undergraduate medical students of the Medical School, thesis seminars and basic courses in medical imaging physics within the PhD-program "Medical Physics" of the Medical University of Vienna, and the Postgraduate Course on Medical Physics held at our institution.
We are equipped with a CR workplace including a Bucky room used for research and teaching, and a C-arm fluoroscopy system. For dosimetry and system parameter measurements, quality controlled reference class instruments covering all diagnostic and interventional radiography applications, as well as medical ultrasound are available. A comprehensive phantom pool equipped with dosimetry and image quality phantoms completes our available infrastructure.
Research Area
Team members
Wolfgang Birkfellner
Michael Figl
Peter Homolka
Johann Hummel
Hannah Jungreuthmayer
Christian Kollmann
Johannes Köhrer
Elisabeth Salomon
Friedrich Semturs
Chatsuda Songsaeng
Lukas Zalka
- Amar Bathia
- Amon Bathia
- Jochen Billinger
- Christoph Bloch
- Christopher Ede
- Daniella Fabri
- Simon Florian
- Romana Fragner
- Hugo Furtado
- Christelle Gendrin
- Godoberto Guevara-Rojas
- Ingo Gulyas
- Christa Haider
- Katharina Halsegger
- Sepideh Hatamikia
- Rudolf Hanel
- Rainer Hoffmann
- Nikolaus Irnstorfer
- Marcus Kaar
- Rene Marcel Kainz
- Alexander Lampret
- Noppavan Nagaviroj
- Johannes Neuwirth
- Supriyanto Pawiro
- Julia Pospischek
- Irena Pradler
- Michelle Praschil
- Andreas Renner
- Armando Aldy Ruddyard
- Jakob Spoerk
- Bence Vanko
- Marija Veselinovic
- Christoph Weber
- Andreas Wartak
- Birkfellner, W. 2014. Applied Medical Image Processing: A Basic Course. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL USA
- Dolezal, L., Kollmann, C. 2012. Efforts of Ultrasound in Medicine - latest developments and efforts in medical ultrasound safety topics and bio-effects research. Palacky University, Olomouc, CZ. ISBN 978-80-244-3159-8
- Haller, K., Kollmann, C. 2010 Sono-Guide für MTRA/RT Edition RadioPraxis, Thieme, Stuttgart, D. ISBN 978-3-13-146301-2
Codes and Standards
- EFSUMB Clinical Safety Statement for Diagnostic Ultrasound – (2019 revision) Christian Kollmann, Klaus-Vitold Jenderka, Carmel M. Moran, Ferdinando Draghi, J. F. Jimenez Diaz, Ragnar Sande Ultraschall Med 2020; 41(04): 387-389
- Schwangerschaft und Röntgenuntersuchungen. Ein Leitfaden für die radiologische Praxis. (2017). Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen. Wien
- IAEA TRS 457. Dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology. An International Code of Practice. (2007) IAEA, Vienna Austria.
- IAEA Human Health Series No. 4. Implementation of the International Code of Practice on Dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology (TRS 457).
Selected peer-reviewed publications
- Hatamikia S., Biguri A., Kronreif G., Figl M., Russ T., Kettenbach J. et al. (2021) Toward on-the-fly trajectory optimization for C-arm CBCT under strong kinematic constraints. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0245508.
- Kaser S., Bergauer T., Birkfellner W. et al. First application of the GPU-based software framework TIGRE for proton CT image reconstruction. Physica Medica 84 (2021), pp. 56–64.
- Salomon, E., Homolka, P., Csete, I., & Toroi, P. 2020. Performance of semiconductor dosimeters with a range of radiation qualities used for mammography: A calibration laboratory study. Med Phys, 47(3), 1372-1378.
- Hatamikia, S., Biguri, A., Kronreif,G., Kettenbach, J., Russ, T., Furtado, H., Kumar Shiyam, L., Buschmann, M., Unger, E., Figl, M., Georg, D., Birkfellner, W. 2020 Optimization for customized trajectories in Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Med Phys online ahead of print. doi: 10.1002/mp.14403
- Hatamikia, S., Oberoi, G., Unger, E., Kronreif, G., Kettenbach, J., Buschmann, M., Figl, M., Knäusl, B., Moscato, F., Birkfellner, W. 2020 Additively Manufactured Patient-Specific Anthropomorphic Thorax Phantom With Realistic Radiation Attenuation Properties. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 8, 385
- Wachabauer, D., Rothlin, F., Moshammer, H. M., & Homolka, P. 2020. Diagnostic Reference Levels for computed tomography in Austria: A 2018 nationwide survey on adult patients. Eur J Radiol (125) 108863.
- Wachabauer, D., Röthlin, F., Moshammer, H. M., & Homolka, P. 2019. Diagnostic Reference Levels for conventional radiography and fluoroscopy in Austria: Results and updated National Diagnostic Reference Levels derived from a nationwide survey. Eur J Radiol (113) 135-139.
- Irnstorfer, N., Unger, E., Hojreh, A. & Homolka, P. 2019. An anthropomorphic phantom representing a prematurely born neonate for digital x-ray imaging using 3D printing: Proof of concept and comparison of image quality from different systems. Sci Rep, 9(1), 14357.
- Kollmann, C., Dubravský, D., Kraus, B. (2019) An easy-to-handle speed of sound test object for skills labs using additive manufacturing (RAPTUS-SOS). Ultrasonics Vol 94, p.285-291.
- Kollmann, C. (2018) Vermittlung technischer Grundlagen bei der studentischen Ultraschallausbildung - das Wiener "Teach US Sound"-Konzept im Überblick. Praxis, 107(23):1273-1278
- Hatamikia, S., 2021 Patient specific source-detector trajectory optimization for Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Dissertation, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Huf, R., 2020 Ultraschall Bioeffekte & synthetische Biologie: Effekte von Ultraschall auf Meeresalgen. Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Höfer, A., 2020 Multimodale Erklärung häufiger Doppler-Artefakte moderner Ultraschallgeräte. Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Seiz, C., 2020 Simulation of thermal effects in biological tissues by ultrasound. Master-Arbeit Kooperation mit FH Technikum Wien
- Auer, B., 2020 Development of a Device to measure Ultrasonic Beams of Sonographs. Master-Arbeit Kooperation mit FH Technikum Wien.
- Welsch, J., 2019 Automatische Selektion der Röhrenspannung bei Kontrastmittel CT von Thorax und Abdomen in der Pädiatrie, eine retrospektive Studie. Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Hauler, F., 2019, Multi-modal image registration techniques ready for clinical use, Dissertation, Medizinische Universität
- Eichler, K.A., 2018, Optimierung der neonatologischen Röntgendiagnostik bei Thorax- und oder Abdomen-Röntgenaufnahmen - Eine retrospektive Analyse. Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Salomon, E., 2018 Radiation qualities for calibration of dosimeters used in mammography (Strahlenqualitäten für die Kalibration von Mammografie-Dosimetern), Diploma Thesis, Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with MUV
- Irnstorfer, N., 2018, Gedruckte 3D Phantome für die digitale Radiographie, Diploma Thesis, Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with MUV
- Péchoultre de Lamartinie, A. 2018. Modelling tube output for medical x-ray systems depending on tube potential and filtration. Diploma Thesis, Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with MUV
- Wartak, A.G., 2014 Development of and Measurements using a Head Phantom for Eye Lens Dosimetry (Entwicklung und Messungen an einem Schädelphantom zur Augenlinsendosimetrie), Diploma Thesis, Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with MUV
- Fabri, D., 2014, Non-rigid Registration for Radiotherapy Applications, Dissertation, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Müllauer, J., 2014, Methodological aspects in quantitative translational neuroimaging in central nervous system diseases with Positron Emission Tomography, Dissertation, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Mitterbauer, P. R., 2013 Determination of the eye lens dose equivalent of occupationally exposed persons in interventional radiology (Bestimmung der Augenlinsenäquivalentdosis an beruflich strahlenexponierten Personen in der interventionellen Radiologie), Diploma Thesis, Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with MUV
- Lilaj, B., 2012, Quantifizierung von Streak-Artefakten verursacht durch Füllungsmaterialien in der Dental-Computertomographie, Diplomarbeit
- Ardjo Pawiro, S., 2011, Validation of 2D/3D Registration Methods for Image-Guided Radiotherapy, Dissertation, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Hummel, J., 2011, Registration of 2D Ultrasound to 3D Computed Tomography and its Clinical Applications, Dissertation, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Schaub, S., 2010, Angewandte Bildgebung in der Verlaufskontrolle von Hepatozellulären Karzinomen, Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Kimbacher, M.E., 2009, Sinusbodenelevation mit biologischem Apatit - volumetrischer Vergleich bei Zugabe von Platlet sich Plasma, Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien
- Holzer-Frühwald, L., 2008, Vergleich der manuellen & automatischen Registration von CT-Aufnahmen, Diplomarbeit, Medizinische Universität Wien